#28 - TL;DR: California is Awesome.
Motto: Beverly Hills- that's where I want to be. I'm going to keep this as short as possible. There is a LOT to cover if I want to cover everything, so I should keep rambling to a minimum if I can. Rambling. Ram Bling . Weird. Minimum. Mini Mum . Strange. I can. iCan . Okay now you're just messing with me. I already wrote up my Top 5. It's a photo edition Top 5. It's also a Top 15. I couldn't whittle down my trip into just 5 pictures. Even those 15 pictures don't begin to portray what a fun-packed adventure I had. I'll probably sneak a couple more here in the body of the column, just to be sneaky. Side note: My Pandora is rocking pretty hard right now. My station named The Greatest Station Ever is pretty much just that. So. I went to California. The story, if you hadn't heard, begins with an invite from a good friend of the family, Sally Hanson. She was a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding in July. During this period she transitioned from...