#160 - Feature: Constrained Writing
'Tis in a Motto: Ottoman I Sit Writing with constraints is a fun and difficult task. It will push you to go to spots to which you would not normally go. Crafting thoughts around a constraint is hard - I just said that. But as a smart man has said - if a thing isn't hard to do, is it worth doing? Having us both said our own things - it's also worth stating that not all difficult things warrant doing. You don't do your cooking with no lights on, do you? Baking in pitch black is not good for anything. It's difficult, but has no obvious point, no justification. Why do it? For art? Up until this point, this column has had a constraint. It's an illustration of a lipogram. That will now End. From Wikipedia: " Constrained writing is a literary technique in which the writer is bound by some condition that forbids certain things or imposes a pattern. [1] " I usually don't consider something to be "poetry" unless it conforms to s...