#225 - The Hobbit: The Column of The Review of The Movie

Motto: Part 3/3 was a 3/10 in my book. The following is a rant about "Part" movies, and a ranting review of "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies". It will contain spoilers for that movie. I hate "part" movies. They are money grabs that rob the movie-goer of their cash and the chance to experience a story as it was meant to be told. Here's a little background to preface this review: 1. I'm only a casual fan of the whole "J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth" franchise. I've seen all the movies, but read none of the books. My wife is much more dedicated and her opinion deserves to be listened to more than my own... but I'm only going to write about mine. 2. I have not done any research beyond watching the films - this includes reading about the lingering questions I have about the film and/or reading previews, reviews, or otherwise anyone else's opinions on it. First off, having the word "The" three times i...