#292 - On the Code Again... Just Can't Wait to be on the Code Again
Motto: Coding with a mug full of Java... C what I did there? Full disclosure - I'm multitasking. Yesterday evening I picked back up where I left off 8 months ago . My goals have changed since that time, though. I am not currently operating under the assumption that I will finish all these classes as sort of a preparation for graduate schooling in computer science - but instead I will take these classes because I enjoy doing so. Also, I would like to be able to write The Life Tracker a.k.a. Captain's Log a.k.a. NamePendingThingIDo a.k.a. QUANTIFY YOSELF FOOL as an Android(/possibly iOS?) application. I don't ever close down dreams. I adjust them to fit my life circumstances. Anyway, I'm multitasking because I just started with the most basic-fundamental "How to Code for Android" course available. It's targeted at way below my level (#smug), but I want to start as slowly and easily as possible so as not to out-kick my coverage (something that happe...