#300 - Short & Sweet
Motto: THIS IS SPARTA I've written 300 of these. That's a round number which seems significant. It's not, though. If humans had 12 fingers instead of 10, I'd likely be telling you this is post number "12C". That's a hexidecimal joke. Base 16, y'all. It's glorious outside right now. I'm probably going to go on a bike ride soon to take advantage of this wonderful fall weather. Pokemon Go is dying. I feel like conscious choices made by the developers of the application are to blame for their drop in player numbers. I still play, but likely will quit once show starts falling unless Niantic changes their minds about things. Today it occurred to me that, while I've taken a TON of data on myself by way of the Life Tracker, I had never really done any correlations between anything other than day of week, month of year, and against a simple list of day tags. Never before had I stopped to think "how does my sleep correlate to my eatin...