#314 - 1592653589793238462643383279502884...
A motto: Tomato It has been a while. Have you ever been too busy living life to live life? I have been seizing the crap out of the day, every day. Since I last wrote, I've gone g olfing, different golfing, bowling, bike riding, watching baseball, building a brick walkway, playing volleyball, playing different volleyball, practicing basketball, playing bocce ball, playing lawn games, playing group videogames, playing pool, playing different pool, going shooting, shooting yourself in the face, and watching both movies and show finales with friends. My patented Aaron projects have all fallen by the wayside. They require time and boredom. I've been blessed enough not to have much of either to spare. About that "shooting yourself in the face" bit. I had a bad ricochet while shooting some steel. It turned out alright: And now I get to say for the rest of my life I survived getting shot in the face. More than all of that - I got to eat delicious delicious Chuy...