#333 - Just Press 3 for a While
Motto: Don't say cheese, just smile. Life is Good. This is the kind of stuff I think about. What is "smart"? What makes somebody smart? Is it just... knowing a lot of things? Is somebody smart just because they do really well in bar trivia? Are you smart because you've read so many books? Is she smart because she's so well-traveled? Is he smart because he's experienced a lot of things? I don't think "smart" is definable in a global scope. It's sort of like "healthy". It doesn't mean anything, really. Healthy is what you define it to be. If you die of a heart attack at 35, but that was your plan all along - does that make you "unhealthy"? Planning to die at 35 certainly makes you not smart ... so what does? Maybe "smartness" is something you just know when you see it, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart. I'm not "smart" because I pulled that sweet Supreme Court Justice Po...