#335 - Straight from My Notes - also Jessica Jones Season 2
Motto: The Adventure Begins... Here's some notes-to-self from my Google Keep that I originally wrote with the intention of exploring at a greater length on here, but given that I write about this sort of crap all the time, I'm just going to write them verbatim from my notes: Always explore. Always try new things. Happiness is not that hard. Happiness follows healthiness. You feel healthy when you're exercising regularly, brushing your teeth, cooking nutritious meals and eating them, sleeping enough, and working on creating projects that hone talents and stimulate the brain. Happiness also follows a sense of control. You don't feel in control when you're giving into your "immediate gratification" impulses. Splitting your attention between things is a fleeting contentment that ultimately givesway to a sense of existential dread. It's always better to be fully into doing one thing than to be halfway doing two things. --- Okay that's done...