#346 - Marvel in Media & Upcoming Dad Transition
Motto: Do the Thing the Person You Want to be Would Do - and Eventually that will be Who You Are. Does Anyone Remember When I Used to Write Everything in My Blog in Book-Title-Capitalization-Case? That was annoying. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcast is an incredible thing. The dude puts out audiobook-length episodes for free. Better yet, they're actually good & entertaining. I didn't care about history at all going in - and now it's slightly interesting! If you've not checked them out, you should. I bring up the Hardcore History Podcast because I was listening to his most recent episode and he sort of nonchalantly throws out a reference to the Vision from the Avengers. Shortly after that, he made a reference to Captain America. In another podcast I listen to, This Week in Tech, they were talking about Thanos the other week. It's really neat to be a fan of comic book stuff right now. These characters that I'd only ever slightly heard of back ...