#188 - Feature: .txt files (also the fitness baseline results)
Motto: Keep it Simple, Stupid
I love .txt files.
A .txt file is the simplest possible text storage on a computer. It's a file that is literally just text. No formatting. No pictures. Nothing fancy. It's the kind of file you edit in "notepad" on Windows. The file size is absolutely tiny and it can be opened with just about anything. The size of the file is just the number of characters (in bytes). Let me NOT digress for a second:
I love .txt files. - Computers store things in bits and bytes.
- A bit is just a 0 or a 1.
- That translates physically to a high voltage or low voltage on a memory register, or a pit or a no-pit on an optical disc.
- A byte is just 8 bits. (8 is 2^3)
- A .txt file is literally just a bunch of ones and zeros that the computer looks at, breaks up into chunks of 8 (or 16, depending upon the character encoding), then translates those chunks into characters and displays those on screen.
- A common example: ASCII character coding -> if your computer sees "01010010" it knows that means "S").
- It's just that simple. It's brilliant. So, like I said before, each byte represents a single character (in the standard coding scheme). If your .txt file is 1.183KB then it's 1183 characters long.
- It's so easy to understand. I love it.
Here's an unrelated picture to go out on: Dad's shooting range
Top 10: Fitness Baseline Results (in no real order)
10. 1 Mile Time: 8 minutes9. 3 Miles Time: 29 minutes, 40 seconds
8. Plank Time: 2 minutes
7. Pushup Reps: 34
6. Pullup Reps: 10
5. Press Weight: 130
4. Bench Weight: 215
3. Squat Weight: 250
2. Deadlift Weight: 265
1. Yoga: Okay. But balance & hip mobility definitely need work.
(0). Bodyweight: 224.2
“Please use that in your Column”
- Melissa, after I said something... Can't remember. Probably a poop joke. -