#196 - Seriously Just a Big List of Fantasy Football Team Names

Motto: Guess I'm Going to Have to Learn Football

I got invited to play fantasy football. That means I have to name my team. Here are the choices I've come up with thus far:

  1. The Finicky Hobos
  2. The Demonstrably Goods
  3. Pure Vanilla Cake
  4. Rastafarian Pasta
  5. Draft Junk
  6. Perl Jam
  7. Dirty Mike and the Boys (suggested by Jon and myself at the exact same time)
  8. Holy Ducks
  9. Unicorn Territory
  10. Ball Handles
  11. Tubbawamba Chumpthumping
  12. Mr. Bo Jangles
  13. The Kansas City Chafes
  14. Cleft Leapord
  15. Queens of the Bronze Age
  16. This Team Goes Up to Eleven
  17. Dibs on Not Dre
  18. The Swiss Kababobs
  19. Baaaallooooooooga!
  20. Steve Harvey Danger
  21. Untitled Team That Wins
  22. The Rereplacements
  23. Half-Dollarback
  24. Fight Club Reference
  25. Jim Carrey, James Pass
  26. Archimedes Garfunkel
  27. Buffalo Bill Dauterives
  28. The Pathetic Attempts
  30. Spock and McCoy are Drunk
  31. The White Keys, The Black Stripes
  32. Mitch
  33. Risky Biddness
  34. I Don't Know What a Touchback is, But...
  35. Holiday Win Express
  36. Training Bros
  37. Dr. Jan Itor
  38. The Paleolithic Jerks
  39. Oscar Meyer Winners
  40. Momma's Boys
  41. Two Goldfish, One Bowl
  42. Hoof Hearted
  43. The Sleezey Geezers
  45. The Lazy Susans
  46. The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
  47. Cornwallace
  48. Platonic Handholders
  50. Two Particular Resistors on an Infinite Grid
  51. Err In Raw Skill
  52. The Washington Racial Slurs (Team Name Already Taken)
  53. Conan the Librarian
  54. Conflict at the Cytosine-Guanine Border
  55. BoJack Horsemen
  56. The Emoting Mules
  57. The London Sillinannies
  58. In Europe It's Called 0.3048Meterball
  59. HashtagYOLO
  60. The Incredible Bulk
  61. Pastyface Fryguy
  62. Shakey Cameras: A Gimbling Problem
  63. Success Kid
  64. San Fransisco 7^2ers
  65. Skillful Football Guys
  66. Yourself
  67. The Nameless Henchmen
  68. The Abusement Park
  69. Eleven Pipers Piping
  70. Offensive Line
  71. This Team Is Brought to You by the Letter D
  72. The A Team's B Team
  73. The Inferior Complexities
  74. Huge Jackedman: Swoleverine
  75. Laces Out
I am going to rule these fools.

Top 5: Team Name Choices
5. The A Team's B Team
4. Oscar Meyer Winners
3. This Team Goes Up to Eleven
2. Offensive Line
1. Archimedes Garfunkel - the winner for now, but I anticipate changing this often

“I Really Like Cleft Leapord”
- Joe -


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